Monday, January 5, 2015

About these protests.

I hope you guys can open your eyes and see the bigger picture here. Ferguson, Missouri please settle down you guys are making things worse! Don't you see? This is all planned! (Let's treat the minority unfairly so they can act unconstitutional, forcing us to take their rights away and come up with a new government) The New World Order! The more these protests get out of hand the more power you give to them! What happened to killing them with kindness? I will not say don't protest, I will say don't fight, I will say don't antagonize, don't provoke, this does nothing at all it helps in no way. You fight you hurt yourself, you hurt everyone around you, you give them a reason to hurt you, you go to jail! When they say "fight for what you believe in" that is not literal! Your protests become pointless because they're no longer protests they're riots! You prove to the world why the police act out in the way they do they're the real antagonists. They are waiting for us to do such things, from the police to the media to the court! Do not give them what they want! Is it fair? No, not at all, but is this the way to handle it? We need to show that we don't get provoked, they do not phase us! Rise up as a voice not as a fist, and then only then you will begin to see a peaceful change.